Ayanna Kay

BeYoutifully Restored In Christ

How would you define your relationship with God? Do you have one? Are you having trouble grasping the concept that Jesus died for you and me to be forgiven of our sins even when we are less deserving? Or are you like me and you’re ready to experience God’s love on another level?

See, I’ve been exactly where you are. I did not always have a relationship with our father. I was broken and I thought there was no way God would ever forgive a sinner as bad as me. I didn’t understand how to grasp the meaning of scripture and how it related to God’s love for me. But over time, I kept pursuing God by studying his word and listening to him speak.
At the beginning of this book, there is a quote, James 4:8 which reads “Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.” Every day I sought after God just as we would do with our relationships here on earth and eventually, I felt God drawing near to me. And then he birthed my purpose, which I am sharing with you through 31 days of devoting some time to God’s word and understanding his ways.

During these next 31 days, you will regain the closeness you need and the closeness that Jesus desires. I have broken down the meaning of the scripture as well as who wrote it so that you can get a deeper understanding. I cannot wait to see how God moves through you at the end of your devotion. But do not stop here, seek the Lord forever.


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