Nicole Milburn
Does This Make Me A Witch?
This vivid and emotional collection of poetry by Nicole Jennifer Milburn is about hardship and triumph. It represents sovereignty as well as downfalls. It speaks to having clear direction as well as having none. It explores what happens in love and when that stops. This collection battles with the contrast of lust together versus lust alone and all things in between.
Women everywhere are currently experiencing a powerful awakening and that’s exactly what this collection is about. Women are tapping into the innate power that lies within them, they are stepping into their divine feminine, practicing resilience and embodying passion. This collection takes us on a journey full of extraordinary wonderment as we witness the power of creativity and expression. It allows us to take an intimate look at the importance of trusting in our intuition and our journey, as well as the many winding paths in which it may lead.
This easy-to-read poetic masterpiece takes us on a journey that poses a question like no other. A journey not just for poetry lovers but for those who love a riveting story as well.