Jeffrey Golland
My Time
Retirement can be a daunting proposition. When over so many years you have hard wired into you the rhythms of daily work life, the prospect of being freed from that structure is not always viewed as liberating. Now, all of a sudden, you are faced with the seemingly endless challenge of what to do with the rest of your life. The abstraction of retirement and freedom now become your new reality. Jeff Golland faced those issues, like millions of others, not sure what comes next. In the course of writing a blog, he unwittingly found his voice as the template for memorializing what would prove to be an amazingly enriching life experience whether through the adventure of international travel or in the simple things we all experience in our daily lives. It has been these adventures, both big and small, which he wanted to share with the world in the hopes that others might find inspiration to further enrich their lives.