Mr. Andre L. Ford
No Embellishment Necessary
Delve into the memoirs of Mr. Andre’ Ford, as he takes us on a mental roller coaster of true-life events from the perspective of a certified, documented
Original Gangsta from Dallas, TX. These stories range from 1975-2003. Learn how he dealt with and survived growing up in THE HOOD-from getting life lessons from alcoholics and addicts, to being a founder of a Dallas based chapter of The CRIPS. Learn how he survived a gunshot wound to the chest at age 17, only to be falsely incarcerated weeks later for an armed robbery that he knew nothing about. Get a detailed description of the “crack-cocaine era”.
As you read, be prepared to celebrate his successes and mourn his losses with him: from all of a sudden losing his beloved Grandmother to illness, and various friends to the gang/drugs lifestyle and then discovering his first wife and closest friend secretly plotting his demise.