Michael Ross
The Last Dance
Falling in love is like entering a dance floor where the music never stops. Each day life chooses the melody that you both must learn to dance to. If you both can grasp the steps and change up your routine then your dance can continue. However, if you decide to proceed forward without making any adjustments then you both might have to leave the floor.
“The Last Dance” is all about finding the love of your life and never letting go. Out of all of the people in the world, – I choose you. The greatest dance is the one that never ends because it includes both of you growing and building your lives together. The goal is not to avoid problems but to learn how to embrace them as a couple. Allow me this opportunity to take you on a journey called marriage. There are no limits to where it can lead especially if you have an open mind.
The Last Dance wants to know – are you ready to take your relationship to the next level? Then join me as we discuss dating, marriage, and so much more. I’m in the mood for love what about you? So what are you waiting for “Let’s Dance.”