Peggy L. Jenkins

Frush’s Journals of Faith

by Peggy L Jenkins (Author)
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This faith-based biography of early twentieth century Pastor James A. Frush by his church parishioner Peggy L. Jenkins is unique in that it follows the life Frush through his own personal journal, including historical details of his relationships with the people under his influence, which few other sources provide. As a minister, James Frush faced challenges to understand Truth, and to represent Truth to his people. He confronted the challenges with the faith on which he stood: the Foundation of Faith. He found the faith to trust the Truth. “New folks are arriving nearly every day, and our family is getting to be quite a large one.” Pastor Frush recorded those words in his journal in 1915. When he penned that prophecy, he could not see those included in that body today, nor those coming in future generations yet to be numbered, standing together through testimony and, like Frush, on the Foundation of Faith.


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