Becktel, Troy R.

Methods: Interviews & Perfomance Evaluations

Want to become an expert in the process of interviewing and evaluating people? The guidelines within this easy-to-read handbook will take the guesswork out of interviewing and evaluating people, and will prepare both sides for successful interaction. Included are the best methods to interview for the right hire, and then for meaningful performance evaluations. It will take you beyond the resume to give you better tools to help choose the right people to hire, as well as ensuring a mutually beneficial long-term relationship with proven methods for successful performance evaluations. Most business books assume that these practices have already been perfected by readers. But often they are the biggest weakness in many organizations.

In business and in life, execution is the only thing that really matters. The tools in this book will help build the foundation for success and ensure you have done your part to execute with expertise.


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