
How To Handle Editing and Feedback

June 23, 20213 min. Read

All aspects of the making of a book are important, but in the hierarchy of things that are important, your editor is near the top. You may have given your book legs, but your editor will give it wings. Being able to handle the feedback you’re getting from them, be it good or bad, is a skill that takes a bit of time and intention to develop. Let’s look at the process of editing a book.

Hand of female designer working at his desk using digital graphic tablet.

Book Editing

Your book will go through different stages of editing. An editor can help you when your book is still very much in the early development stages, guiding you along to make sure you’ll hit the mark with your target audience. They aren’t just there to correct your grammar – they can help adjust the tone of your story, make sure you aren’t leaving any huge plot holes behind, and even tighten your writing so you don’t lose your audience. You can count on a good editor to steer you the right way, and you can count on Palmetto Publishing to match you with the right editor for your book.

Trusting Your Book Editor

Speaking of steering, let’s talk about trust. You probably aren’t the first or the only author the editor is working with. This is a time to be humble, take a step back, and hear what they have to say. Rewriting isn’t a pleasant experience, but it’s a necessary one to make your manuscript just right. They aren’t working for you, they’re working with you.

How To Respond To Feedback

Your manuscript is a work in progress. You won’t have a gem in a first draft. Editors will come in with that polishing cloth and work at it with you until it shines. Whether the feedback is good or bad, it’s important to be respectful and show gratitude. If you receive feedback, respond to it and move on with the work.

Responding To Positive Feedback

Positive feedback from an editor is like getting a big, warm hug! Any good editor will not just focus on the things that need changing – they’ll let you know when they are wowed by something or when they’re excited about where your story is going. In a good editor-author relationship, you can expect productive honesty in the feedback, including when it’s good.

Handling Negative Feedback 

You’re not always going to like what your editor has to say, and you’re not always going to agree with the deletions and changes they’ve made to your manuscript. Take a breath, count to ten, and remember that your editor is a professional who is doing their best to make your book shine. There’s nothing wrong with questioning someone or advocating for certain things, but it needs to be done with respect, professionalism, and an attitude for collaboration. Your editor is your champion, not your enemy!

editing a paper with a red pen

Book Editing Services

Palmetto Publishing has you covered when it comes to editing. Services include developmental editing to make sure you’re writing for your audience, line editing for structure, and copy editing for those final touches. Get started with a professional today. (link:

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